Who We Are
NAU Online empowers the transformation of online education at Northern Arizona University. We are committed to developing, implementing, managing, and scaling online education initiatives, revolutionizing access to quality education for NAU students everywhere.
Make a gift on NAU Giving Day
Your #AxeofKindness directly fuels innovation and fosters an engaging NAU online learning experience, ensuring that an NAU education remains accessible to all students. Your gift today supports the growth and evolution of online learning across all NAU schools. Every contribution counts toward breaking down barriers to education, expanding opportunities for lifelong learning, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.
Thank You for Your Axe of Kindness
Your commitment to NAU Online is a testament to your belief in the power of education to transform lives and shape a brighter future for all. Together, we are building a more inclusive, innovative, and impactful online education landscape. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to driving positive change through education.